Under the Sea

This project features Sarasota artist Philomena Morano and poet Maureen Seaton from Colorado. The two met specifically for this project for Art in Common Places and found a common topic in life under the sea.

Philomena’s statement: I was just about to begin a new series of “aquatic” works when I met with Maureen. She liked the idea of me combining paint with my usual precisely cut paper technique as we came up with some fun and fluid shapes. When I first read Maureen’s poem, I was not certain who the “she” was…. it sounded autobiographical. Upon realization that it was about the tiny turtle’s journey I added her into my composition; not obviously, but as a small silhouette you may need to look around to find! I hope that our collaboration stirs some thoughts about how profound just a tiny creature is… in the big picture of things.

It was so interesting to collaborate in this manner, a true, openly give and take format. I knew that I wasn’t “illustrating” Maureen’s poem and she knew that she wasn’t writing solely for my image. This is what sharing is. We plan to continue to collaborate.

Maureen’s statement: I lived on the Southeast Coast of Florida for twenty years but spent one incredible month at the Hermitage on Manasota Key near Sarasota in 2005. The lines of this poem are lifted from my writing during that month, a magical month of loggerheads (I joined the Turtle Brigade) and a tropical storm (Arlene) and the incredible grace of the Gulf of Mexico, where I had never ever been before. I reworked and reconjured my poem as Philomena’s images developed before my eyes. It was a remarkable experience. I feel like my poem belongs to both of us.

Being asked to work organically rather than in the usual way of writing a poem from a finished painting (or vice versa) was really key for me. It’s the way I often collaborate with another poet, but I’d never done it with a visual artist. I’m so grateful I got to see Philomena’s art grow right before my eyes. It has been an incredibly joyful experience for me, and I’m thrilled that our work will now be shared with others. Really, nothing could be better than that!



